
The Process

Available Wedding Types

Traditional Wedding ($795)
(includes a customized wedding ceremony, an initial meeting, and attendance at ceremony)

Custom Wedding with Rehearsal ($950)
(includes ‘Traditional’ above, plus a rehearsal at your wedding location)

Traditional Wedding with Pre-Cana (Option 1) ($895 plus $20 certificate fee)
(includes a customized wedding ceremony, an initial meeting, marriage PREP/PreCana with Meeting after Completion, and attendance at ceremony)

Traditional Wedding with Pre-Cana (Option 2) ($995 plus $20 certificate fee)
(includes a customized wedding ceremony, an initial meeting, marriage PREP/PreCana with Meeting after Completion, and attendance at ceremony)

Custom Wedding with Co-Officiant ($1,325)
(includes a customized wedding ceremony, an initial meeting, needed consultations, and attendance at ceremony, along with coordinating and consultation with co-officiant and needed ceremony planning and rehearsal time between officiants)

Nuptial (Wedding) Mass (Outside Parish) ($1,795*)
(Includes custom ceremony, setup/cleanup, rehearsal time, details with wedding coordinator and site from booking date through event day, priest, acolyte/server, coordination with readers, rehearsal time, coordination with outside music vendors, altar set up and Antimension)

Private Wedding at Our Parish ($475)
(includes a standard wedding ceremony and attendance at ceremony. Includes couple and witness only for a simple ceremony at the parish.)

A Pre-Cana session can be added to any package above that does not already include it for $200.

Added Rehearsal** $225

Parish Mentor (Option 1): $150 Additional Fee

*A wedding Mass outside a traditional church, or even at a chapel that is not used regularly, requires hours of additional preparation, coordination, and transportation and retrieval of many items plus coordination and logistics with music and staffing at venue plus set up time. The couple will also need to gain permission for a longer than average ceremony time from the host location.)

Receptions & Rehearsals

We will always try our best to accommodate your rehearsal needs. Please review the following:

Please note that the time and stipend structure calls for us to be on-site for no more than 30 minutes for scheduling purposes. If we start the rehearsal any later than 30 minutes from schedule, an additional fee will be requested.

Please note that any rehearsal over 25 miles from our parish will also be assessed an additional mileage fee and no rehearsals are accepted where the distance, or the timing with traffic, will exceed 45 minutes in one direction.

We allow ourselves a ten minute margin of travel error since rehearsals normally do not start promptly and being right on time is not normally an issue, unless otherwise noted.

Rehearsals on Fridays are placed secondarily to Wedding Ceremony bookings to allow every couple the opportunity to have a priest present for their special day. We will make every effort to accommodate a rehearsal request, even when we have a wedding booked, or we will try to arrange for someone to ‘stand in’ for the primary officiant such as one of our deacons or a wedding planner familiar with us.

Please also recognize that for most weddings, having the celebrant attend in person is not needed and it does not necessarily make the ceremony flow much better. The main reason for having the celebrant present is for complicated weddings, odd or complicated movements or ceremonies, or one where there is no wedding planner engaged. A wedding Planner may “stand in” for the Celebrant and negate the need for most venues. Please consult with your venue, and inquire of our thoughts, prior to making a request.

AFTER your wedding date is confirmed and on our calendar, please book/schedule your rehearsal separately from your wedding to ensure it is scheduled appropriately to the correct priest. To request a rehearsal booking online, please click here.

2025 Wedding Holidays

We do everything we can to work with your schedule, however certain days of the year are considered holidays that require an additional fee. These dates are:

May 24, 25
July 4, 5, 6
Aug 30, 31 and Sept 1
Nov 28, 29, 30th
Dec 26, 27, 28th
Dec 31st

The following dates are completely unavailable:
January 1st
April 11, 12, 13th

A Note on Sunday Wedding Requests and Holy Day/Feast Days: ++ There is an added stipend requested for wedding ceremonies on Sunday ($150), or and designated Feast Day or Holy Day of Obligation within our Catholic Church. A few, such as Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday, and New Year’s Day, are not open for weddings. Thank you for your understanding.